My Website

Welcome to New Earth Resonance!

Energy healing and frequency therapy for the modern energetic body and earth template. Light codes handed down from source for transformation and radical healing.

Choose Your Path

store product block No touch Quantum Full Spectrum Energy Session (30
Min Remote)  poster
No touch Quantum Full Spectrum Energy Session (30 Min Remote)
store product block  Full Spectrum Quantum Recalibration (60 minutes)(In person only) poster
Full Spectrum Quantum Recalibration (60 minutes)(In person only)
store product block Intuitive Tarot Reading poster
Intuitive Tarot Reading
store product block Full Chakra Reset and Restore with Frequency  poster
Full Chakra Reset and Restore with Frequency
store product block Group Sound Bath  poster
Group Sound Bath
store product block Free Consultation Call✨ poster
Free Consultation Call✨

Choose Your Path

store product block No touch Quantum Full Spectrum Energy Session (30
Min Remote)  poster
No touch Quantum Full Spectrum Energy Session (30 Min Remote)
store product block  Full Spectrum Quantum Recalibration (60 minutes)(In person only) poster
Full Spectrum Quantum Recalibration (60 minutes)(In person only)
store product block Intuitive Tarot Reading poster
Intuitive Tarot Reading
store product block Full Chakra Reset and Restore with Frequency  poster
Full Chakra Reset and Restore with Frequency
store product block Group Sound Bath  poster
Group Sound Bath
store product block Free Consultation Call✨ poster
Free Consultation Call✨

Meet Your Intuitive Practitioner

Hi, my name is Briana Schuster! Advanced Quantum Energy Practitioner, Vibration Medicine Woman, Mama, and Artist.

From a young age, I was drawn to the unseen and the subtle energies that surround us. I was always different, creative, misunderstood, intuitive. I remember seeing rainbow wormholes as a toddler and even remembered my trip to this reincarnation.

I had clairaudience from a young age and would know every single word to a song I had never heard before. I would hear others emotions and pain in my head and instinctively feel pulled to tell them something they needed to hear often shocked by my speech. It felt as if something was speaking through me. Little did I know I had been channeling before I even knew it.

I knew life was deeper, more magical and more liberating than what I was seeing as a youth on the news, in churches, and in my communities . My sense for justice and compassion was overtaking me. I did not know how to channel it appropriately.

It wasn't until I was basically at the brink of questioning my sanity when I was finally validated at 16.

I crossed paths with a 20 year trained Shamanic medicine woman who validated what my inner compass was telling me. This is where I first learned what a "starseed" "shadow worker" was. It was me!

She intuitively spoke to me about my past life memories I recalled that I never told a single soul about! Suddenly, I realized intuition, creativity, a deep call for meaning is not a defect, its a super power! In that room I had my first ego death or awakening.

I was overwhelmed with love, belonging, and power as I was finally able to accept and surrender to the less taken path of enlightenment. I wasn't crazy, I was just simply an open channel.

"Hands Of Ascension" - Channeled Art,


"Lilith" - Channeled Art Ink and Watercolor

I wish I walked out of her temple a new Shaman after that first ego death but the Universe must test us, give us shadow to alchemize to power. Must humble and ground us before we ascend higher. We must give in order to receive. The Universe must resist us or else we would cease to exist. Expansion is not always pretty but this is the natural season and rhythm of dark and light, ying and yang, death and rebirth.

I went through many initions in my life that I have transmuted. Our shadow is our power and nothing to be feared. I faced 3 NDE experiences, addiction, immense trauma, psychic attacks, and immeasurable grief, and lastly rebirth that motherhood will bring before becoming the clear channel that I am today.

As an Advanced Quantum Energy Practitioner, Vibrational Medicine Practitioner, I blend my natural intuitive gifts with years of training in various energy practices, including Marconics No-Touch energy, chakra alignment, and vibrational / sound healing. Energy and Vibrational Medicine for the specific purpose of ascension is what and all I focus on here!

A quantum energy session is like Reiki times a thousand! Here we are not channeling just Chi, we are channeling the highest frequencies strait from source for the SPECIFIC intention for ASCENSION.

Think hidden gifts unlocked, dramatic paradigm shifts, quantum jumps, and even some psychedelic experiences are a common occurrence in a session but everyones experience is unique to them and their guides!

My mission is to help us along the path to ascension / 5d consciousness and be the light in your shadow as you move back to your own truth, how that looks for you.

Each session with me is a sacred space for transformation— Together, we'll explore the deep connections between your physical and energetic body, and through this, you will step into a more empowered, aligned conscious version of yourself and fully activate your sacred mission here on Earth.

Book a session today, and allow me to support you in awakening to your inner guru, listen to your heart, and ascend with you on this beautiful time on the planet. GAIA is giving us all the push! The time is now!

Vibrational Reset Tracks

Frequency Playlist for Healing and Renewal

Sound Baths/ Workshops w/ Bre

Coming soon!